Saturday, April 6, 2013

Long distance.

Today was, actually, a really good day. Like, a lot of days are good but today was ajdbdbsjbfjebfbdh *_*
Now; say I am obsessed, and wasting my time but I don't care.
Today was amazing.
I saw someone I've long awaited (nearly six months) seeing this person. The most perfect person in the world in my eyes. I wish he saw himself like I do.
See the problem with long distance is; if you don't have a care, much like his and my situation, you never get to see one another. This. Is. Painful. Never seeing someone you love so dearly, you have so much to question things trust wise. I have never been a believer of long distance. Lets just say I am now and wrap this up.


Thursday, April 4, 2013

What's been going on.

Well, I guess I've been lacking quite a bit on updating, haven't I? 
Well, I was checking out the post's of a very close family friend, and was reminded to come back to mine.
 (Blog here:
Anywho,  I guess quite a bit's been going on. The, previously mentioned, friend's dog passed and I have grown up with this dog so it was very tragic. -Not just for me-
He died 13 days before his 11th birthday.
Maybe it just makes it seem like it's been a lot, but that's the thing with tragedies. They turn into all you think about. Perhaps it's just me, but I'm almost entirely sure it isn't. Anyway, I suppose not much has really happened lately. I'm on spring break but only for four more days. I've spent it in my preferred style; Lazily.
I've really no more to say on the matter. 

                                                                                                             P.s R.I.P Junah, I love you (little?) buddy c: